Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Body for Life - The night before....

Today is Sept 29, 2009. I plan to lose 6 lbs and keep them off by Jan 1, 2010.
I am also working on firming up my arms, belly and butt.

I am using the Body for Life program to do this. I'm starting tomorrow morning.

I'm using this blog to keep me on track. I'm looking for partners to join me.

Tonight I am setting out my workout clothes ahead of time. I'm going to the gym at 5:30AM.

I'll workout and be back home in 1.5 hrs. Stay tuned for updates.


Bridge Runner

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Woo! Hoo!
I had a VERY strong run today! I only ran 3, but I shaved off an entire 2 mins off my normal time. Not bad! Not bad! hahaha!

It's getting warm already today. In fact, it is now just 9:02AM and its already in the 70's.

Well, I've got a busy day ahead of me so I'd better run.

I'll write again soon!!!


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Dog Tired...

That's it! I'm tired!
I'm staying up too late at night these days.
I need to get my rest. I will go to bed at a decent time tonight so I'm nice and refreshed in the morning.

That's all I have to report today. No workout. No NOTHIN'!

See ya!


Monday, August 4, 2008

Easy, Breezy 6 Today....

Good morning!
Well, I took yesterday off, as planned and got lots of rest.
I went to church and then home to work on a project, but no physical work.

My day started early. I woke up at 4 and couldn't go back.
My running partner sent me a text at 5 to signal she was up and getting dressed.
I got up, took a vitamin and ate a bowl of oatmeal. I left home to meet her at 5:45am.

We met at about 6:10AM and ran 6 miles. This was one of my strongest runs!
So I'm trying to figure out the reason why. It wasn't that I'd gotten enough rest, because I didn't.
I don't know what the difference was today, but, in any case, it was a strong and fulfilling run.
Can't wait to go tomorrow!!!

My eating yesterday was ooookaaay. I ate good things, but a bit too much of it. I also messed up by eating about 8 pieces of licorice! We have a big tub of it here and it's such a temptation.

Tomorrow I will focus on my upper body training. Then Weds I'll be back on the road.

Check in with me later! And why haven't you written????


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Ten Miles and Counting...

Well, I fell a little short of my goal of 14 miles today.
I ran only 10 instead. I'm feeling the effects of not getting enough rest last night.
I knew better, but I was working on something and I just didn't want to stop!

The weather is pleasant today....a perfect day for running.

I went to the farmers market afterwards and bought 1/4 lbs of roasted almonds, an apple, an English cucumber, a red and a yellow tomato and two pluots. I ate one of the plutos and thought about someone very special, and listened to live music being played by one of a number of rotating musicians at the market. I was driven to tears briefly when they played one of my late mother's favorites..."Has Anybody Seen My Gal..." She used to play that song on our piano when I was a little girl. After that, I felt compelled to contribute money in the tip jar. I avoided eye contact to prevent a full on weeping outpour of emotion.

I'm home now and will focus on eating correctly, and will go to bed tonight at a reasonable hour. I think I will take tomorrow off, and get back in the swing of things on Monday.

God's blessings to you!

By the way....Why haven't you commented on my blog yet?????

Friday, August 1, 2008

Good Morning!

Well, I'm off to a great start this morning!
I met my running partner for 6 miles this morning.
It was a nice, smooth run this time. I could have easily gone another 2 or 3.
My goal was to run easy today in prep for 14 miles with TNT tomorrow.

My eating has been good. Did well yesterday and my weight this morning (116.6)
reflects that.

Breakfast: Bowl of oatmeal
Snack (which Im eating now) is an apple and cottage cheese.
Lunch: Tuna, Brown Rice and Broccoli
Snack: Peach and cottage cheese
Dinner: Salmon, Yam and Broccoli

I'm glad to have my Cottage Cheese back! I'm glad, glad, glad! I missed it!

Well, I'm off to start my day.
I plan to go to bed early to prepare for tomorrows run.


Thursday, July 31, 2008

Back on the Block

OK...so here's my issue.
It doesn't take much to mess up my groove.
Excuse the vernacular, but I can't think of another way to say it.
Well, I suppose I could say..."I've gotten out of my routine", but that doesn't sound as base as the truth of it is.

So, I've gotta get my groove back, so to speak and if today is any indication,
I'm on it baby!

My "groove" was interrupted by a business trip last week which took me out of state for only 4 days. I did run on one of the days I was away and it was a very, sweat dripping, heart pounding run! I felt good about it and even got a nod of approval from someone working out in the hotel gym. But after that, I went downhill, eating, no exercising and I had a celebratory Kir Royal along with pita chips and spinach dip on my final night there. I ate too much, and of all the wrong things....pasta, bread, and I even bought a bag of peanut M&M's! What the heck!
I came home weighing a full 4 lbs more than I did before I left!

I haven't done any exercising since last Weds so it's been a full week. I've had trouble getting my sleep patterns back and I've been pulling some all nighters preparing for some meetings.

So, this morning, I forced myself up and got back to my routine.
I sprang up out of bed, dressed in my running clothes and joined Steve Ross on "Inhale". He's the Yoga guy on the Oxygen channel. He comes on at 6am. I followed his routine for an hour, then made the bed (to make sure I didn't get back in it) and laced up my shoes. I sent a text to my running partner to let her know I was about to run 3 miles and I went.

I was surprised that my stamina was virtually unaffected by the layoff. That is not the case normally. I usually run 3 miles at a flat 30 mins. Today, I clocked in at 28! I couldn't believe it!
You know, I really think treadmill running helps to improve my speed.

So, the plan is to run 6 tomorrow (Friday) and 14 on Saturday with the TNT team.
Sunday will be off and then I'll start again.

See you tomorrow and please feel free to comment.
